My Cat is Cool Ass Fucking God


My Cat is Cool Ass Fucking God

My Cat is cool as Fucking God. I don’t know what it is, but it’s got something to do with the way she wears her socks. Like most cats, she loves to run and play and scratch around in the grass, but today she went missing one of them and brought home a brand new pair. So now she’s wearing these fuzzy looking things that make her look like someone had stuck a pocket change in her ass for hours on end. This is the most fun I’ve had since she got the new pair.

Cats are so funny when they do things that are out of the ordinary for them. Like how my cat is pulling off the new fashions right before my back door to put some fresh flowers in, or how my cat is just walking around the house in her bare feet in the middle of the night. Cats are like children sometimes, they try out new things and go “oof” when they don’t like it. Cats even like to have people over the house and scratch all over them and say things that we aren’t really sure about until we hear them making funny noises.

Cats are very funny little creatures that need a lot more attention than you give them. You should take some time and look after your cat, because she might have an illness or a broken bone somewhere and you want to be able to take her to the vet and fix it. Or if you want to buy her some new clothes, you can go online and find something that will look good on her and that you know she won’t get sick of. My cat is cool as Fucking God and she deserves everything she gets, and she is truly the queen of the animal kingdom. So thank you very much, and maybe a treat for a nice meal and a nap outside if you are feeling stressed out.
